品牌介绍 Introduction
8877 Deco & Home 首个原创家居家具设计系列是希望通过艺术化、人性化的设计思路拓展当代人对家的定义以及对生活方式的理解。我们坚信未来的家并非仅限于满足人们对日常生活功能性的需求,而是让家也能成为一个可以承载人们内心纯真美好的想象空间。正因为有了想象力,才让生活到处充满乐趣。
8877 Deco & Home aim to extend the contemporary definition of home and lifestyle through artistic and humanized design. What we believe is that, in the future, home is not limited to meeting people's functional needs of daily life, but also to become a space that can carry imagination and embrace our inner child. Life can be full of fun because of imagination.
In this design collection, the surreal techniques such as distortion, deformation of the daily objects. We challenge the traditional structure and forms through geometric elements, lines, colors, and unique and decorative patterns. We applied the same concept from our interior design to product designs. And thus, a series of furniture products full of imagination that highlights the brand essence was created.
品牌故事 Branding Story

8877 Home 原创家居产品 Symbolic Patterns 系列整体概念来源于非洲原始风格的象征符号。设计之初,非洲面具的原始神秘感激发了创作灵感。该系列的图案设计将象征性面具的图形基础元素提取出来,进行抽象化、几何化、色彩化的处理,形成全新的图案设计。每组印花图案各具特色,但又有一定相关性。

The 'Symbolic Patterns' collection of the 8877 Home original products series was inspired by African primitive style symbols. Our starting point was the enigma of the African mask, which led to abstract pattern designs based on basic elements from these masks. We simplified and modernized these designs using geometric shapes and colors, creating graphic patterns that are repeated to form the final product. Each print group within this collection has unique characteristics that relate to each other. 
核心成员 Core Members
李 彦霏

李 彦霏

Yanfei Li


Founder / Design Director
核心成员 Core Members
设计团队 Design Team